Everytime after I completed a blog I feel a sense of relief. Realising that my blogs actually receive quite a lot of support motivates me to write more and more better ones. Referring to my previous blog "How Does A Man Love?" (though quite a thoughtful one), I noticed that it somehow created a negative energy among my readers. As far as I never intend to drag people down, I know I have to adjust my style of writing again. Its very first objective is to bring about inspiration and positive outcome. Positive outcome as in positive thoughts that will lead to good deeds, enlightenment or breakthrough. And never underestimate how powerful a simple sharing can be. You never know whose life you are able to touch today! Never had I thought that my shoutout in Facebook actually influenced someone and leads her closer to God. Never had I thought that by just telling the crews that I am heading to cell group after my flight would actually hit someone's heart and made her admire what I do. Well, a number of friends have commented that they feel encouraged reading my posts! Praise The Lord! The way we talk and how we carry ourselves is very important because we carry the name of Jesus and shine for Him wherever we go, whatever we do. We are the so-called ambassadors for the Kingdom Of God. And tell you what, when I write, I think, I try to relate my personal experience and thoughts to the current world, I seek the power of Holy Spirit and I refer to the Bible! I AM SERIOUS! I am not an expertise nor am I a great author but I am always learning and improving because I find it interesting enough as a method to reach out to more people. To many believers what I do may mean nothing but to non believers it may be their very first encounter with God.
Wow! Guess I started off with a pretty strong paragraph huh? God is such a great God as He has always been giving me new ideas on what to write on my site. For the past few weeks several topics come across my mind but I try to fit all in one as I find them equally important. The day before I was still scratching my head on how to share my sorrow and bad things that have been happening to me these days. Honestly I just don't know how to start, how to continue and what title I should put. I ended up writing about this and once again I feel the oomph while I write! If this is God's will that I should continue to inspire people, I would just go for it. Recently many of my friends complain to me how their dreams have not been fulfilled eventhough they have prayed for quite some time. I absolutely understand their complaints and their desperate needs because I myself often complain and am desperate in achieving a lot of things too. But then again, God will never shortchange us, He will restore everything for us and bless us back a hundred folds! How many of us can truly understand this and end of the day how many of us can sustain? Despite our desire to settle down in a good marriage, to earn our first 1 million dollars, to buy a Ferragamo bag, to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, to get promoted in our career etc. we are so focused on our own world and personal needs; have we ever given a second thought to other people's needs as well?
When I watched a video featuring a group of kids from Uganda, they were so skinny, so weak they could only roll on the floor waiting for a little girl whom is younger than 10 to bring them water, to take care of them and bath them. They have no food and what kind of life do they have? What future awaits them? Their dream may only be as simple as having a bowl of porridge per day. And they may not even know how to pray! After watching the video, some say "There are so many poor people in the world, how many can we help?', some say "You can't even help yourself, how do you help them? So mind your own business!", and some say "The video is so sad" and then they forget about it the day after tomorrow. This shows how selfish we human beings are. Well, I am not asking you to donate all your belongings to them or be their lifelong saviour. But at least before you complain about anything or even when you are so happy that you already have everything, stop for a moment and think about them or other people whom are suffering, think about people in India, China, Africa, our own country! Ask yourself how you can give more to the society and is life just about chasing after your own dreams and neglecting everything else in the world?

Most of the time people look only at the surface of the things they see or encounter. While the world is so huge, while the sea is so deep, we tend to narrow ourselves in a box. More often than not, we crave for luxury and a good life; good life as in life with materials and money. But that is not what God created us for. If we understand the truth, we will be contented with what we have, we will seek His kingdom above all else, we will live life with love, we will feel pure joy in our hearts. If we understand the truth we will realise that life is much more than the surface and nothing can separate us from God. 1 Timothy 6:6-7 says "Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it." Besides look at the issues we are facing everyday now. Poverty, hunger, war, famine,... it is continuous and uncountable. The only solution is the TRUTH. Hebrews 13:14 says "For this world is not our permanent home, we are looking forward to a home yet to come.". AMEN. There is something more beautiful awaiting us. Therefore, do not be blinded by the sorrow and trials we are encountering in our earthly lives.
Like I said, we live with love for the truth is love and life is love. We love not only ourselves but others as well. Our hearts are filled with love and we do all the good works that we are able to. If you can give a penny to a basker today, give! If you can share your testimony today, share! If you can motivate your friend today, go ahead! If you can do more, that's even better! 1 Timothy 1:5 says "The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, clear conscience and genuine faith". We live according to our purpose and calling then we colour it beautifully and along the way we give what we can to colour people's lives too...that's what God wants us to do. Of course I do not consider myself as a very great servant of God nor could I ever consider my deed as something sacrificial as I am not even worthy to be compared with any of my brothers and sisters. Yet, I am so confident and I believe I could somehow make a difference in people's lives!!! I don't know when, I don't know how but the day will come...YES IT IS COMING!!! Let's lift up our hearts and hands together to do something for the society!!! Before I end my blog, I would love to share this verse "1 Peter 4:11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ." AMEN.
P/S: Please click on this link to view the video I mentioned earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saokTRIg0qA
Wow! Guess I started off with a pretty strong paragraph huh? God is such a great God as He has always been giving me new ideas on what to write on my site. For the past few weeks several topics come across my mind but I try to fit all in one as I find them equally important. The day before I was still scratching my head on how to share my sorrow and bad things that have been happening to me these days. Honestly I just don't know how to start, how to continue and what title I should put. I ended up writing about this and once again I feel the oomph while I write! If this is God's will that I should continue to inspire people, I would just go for it. Recently many of my friends complain to me how their dreams have not been fulfilled eventhough they have prayed for quite some time. I absolutely understand their complaints and their desperate needs because I myself often complain and am desperate in achieving a lot of things too. But then again, God will never shortchange us, He will restore everything for us and bless us back a hundred folds! How many of us can truly understand this and end of the day how many of us can sustain? Despite our desire to settle down in a good marriage, to earn our first 1 million dollars, to buy a Ferragamo bag, to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, to get promoted in our career etc. we are so focused on our own world and personal needs; have we ever given a second thought to other people's needs as well?
When I watched a video featuring a group of kids from Uganda, they were so skinny, so weak they could only roll on the floor waiting for a little girl whom is younger than 10 to bring them water, to take care of them and bath them. They have no food and what kind of life do they have? What future awaits them? Their dream may only be as simple as having a bowl of porridge per day. And they may not even know how to pray! After watching the video, some say "There are so many poor people in the world, how many can we help?', some say "You can't even help yourself, how do you help them? So mind your own business!", and some say "The video is so sad" and then they forget about it the day after tomorrow. This shows how selfish we human beings are. Well, I am not asking you to donate all your belongings to them or be their lifelong saviour. But at least before you complain about anything or even when you are so happy that you already have everything, stop for a moment and think about them or other people whom are suffering, think about people in India, China, Africa, our own country! Ask yourself how you can give more to the society and is life just about chasing after your own dreams and neglecting everything else in the world?

Most of the time people look only at the surface of the things they see or encounter. While the world is so huge, while the sea is so deep, we tend to narrow ourselves in a box. More often than not, we crave for luxury and a good life; good life as in life with materials and money. But that is not what God created us for. If we understand the truth, we will be contented with what we have, we will seek His kingdom above all else, we will live life with love, we will feel pure joy in our hearts. If we understand the truth we will realise that life is much more than the surface and nothing can separate us from God. 1 Timothy 6:6-7 says "Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it." Besides look at the issues we are facing everyday now. Poverty, hunger, war, famine,... it is continuous and uncountable. The only solution is the TRUTH. Hebrews 13:14 says "For this world is not our permanent home, we are looking forward to a home yet to come.". AMEN. There is something more beautiful awaiting us. Therefore, do not be blinded by the sorrow and trials we are encountering in our earthly lives.
Like I said, we live with love for the truth is love and life is love. We love not only ourselves but others as well. Our hearts are filled with love and we do all the good works that we are able to. If you can give a penny to a basker today, give! If you can share your testimony today, share! If you can motivate your friend today, go ahead! If you can do more, that's even better! 1 Timothy 1:5 says "The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, clear conscience and genuine faith". We live according to our purpose and calling then we colour it beautifully and along the way we give what we can to colour people's lives too...that's what God wants us to do. Of course I do not consider myself as a very great servant of God nor could I ever consider my deed as something sacrificial as I am not even worthy to be compared with any of my brothers and sisters. Yet, I am so confident and I believe I could somehow make a difference in people's lives!!! I don't know when, I don't know how but the day will come...YES IT IS COMING!!! Let's lift up our hearts and hands together to do something for the society!!! Before I end my blog, I would love to share this verse "1 Peter 4:11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ." AMEN.
P/S: Please click on this link to view the video I mentioned earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saokTRIg0qA